Engagement. Cultural strengths. Appreciating interdependence. Hope. Enduring peace depends on them.

In developing countries, the interaction is enormously complex between economics, traditions, international expectations, individuals’ concerns, and developing notions of statehood among dozens – sometimes hundreds – of cultures. Layer on devastation from armed conflict and community trauma and the challenges deepen.

Collaboration Specialists’s work is grounded in the belief that positive peace is achieved long after the accords. Cessation of hostilities and public ceremonies are an important start. And true peace relies on rebuilding trust, shared responsibiity, and structures that genuinely carry out the social contract. These cannot be imposed, but develop and are accepted after experience, over time. And that requires affected people to remain engaged in the rebuilding despite suspicion and hurts, setbacks and uncertainty. Assuming too quickly that quiet = resolution, failing to take on the rebuilding, or walking away when it falters – all carry great risk that a people will slip back into violence.

Collaboration Specalists supports communities, civil society and governments so that they can stay engaged. We assess the conflicts and needs side by side with those best able to influence change. We elicit local practices and beliefs and design projects around them. We introduce Global North conflict and business ideas and weave them in when it may be valuable.

We design, support, train, mentor and accompany. We convene civil society to form networks – strengthening their ability to sustain through the challenges that confront them – and constantly look
for ways to connect at key points throughout multi-
track diplomacy in service of peace writ large.